Stories & Case Studies

If it weren't for the Brothers I would have been on the streets. I have friends and football in my life now and on Tuesday we are celebrating my three years of not drinking.

Amo - Good Shepherd Service User

Becky’s Story: Helping People Makes Me Stronger

Becky is one of the participants on the LEAP volunteer programme at the Good Shepherd, where people with experience of homelessness and other issues are...

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Charlie’s Story: Meeting The Challenge

Within a short space of time last year, Charlie lost his long-term job, was given two weeks’ notice by his landlord to leave his rented...

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Vicky’s Story: From Lost To Found

Vicky is one of the many volunteers who play a major part in the life of the Good Shepherd as part of the LEAP programme,

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Danny’s Story: A Different Person

Very few recovery journeys are linear.  For people experiencing homelessness and addiction, even when they possess a strong desire and determination to move forward, there are...

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Arron’s Story: On Your Marks!

Arron Cousens started last year in a job which he didn’t enjoy, has gone through several periods of unemployment since, and, due to the cost...

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Akram’s Story: Grabbing The Opportunity

Akram is one of the volunteers on the Good Shepherd’s LEAP programme which helps people with volunteering and training opportunities with the overall aim of...

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Myra’s Story: Smiling Helps To Live

For Myra, who turned 60 earlier this year, life in recent times has been something of a challenge. She speaks several languages, has worked in many...

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Donna’s Story: I Can Be Me

Donna is among those to have come through the Good Shepherd’s LEAP programme, offering people with lived experience of homelessness and complex issues the chance...

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John’s Story: Finding A Focus

On World Homeless Day and World Mental Health Day, we take a look at someone whose journey has inspired staff, volunteers and service-users at the Good Shepherd, and is still...

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